New family of chips is supported by distortos since today! It is now possible to use any of 94 STM32F1 chips – they are all available in Kconfig configuration system and supported by source code. This addition increases total number of chips supported by distortos to 209. Continue reading Support for STM32F1 chips
Category: News
distortos 0.1.0, distortosExamples 20160226 and distortosTemplateSubfolder 20160226 released
Today – after 19 months of continuous development and more than 2500 commits – first release of distortos (0.1.0), distortosExamples (20160226) and distortosTemplateSubfolder (20160226) was completed! Continue reading distortos 0.1.0, distortosExamples 20160226 and distortosTemplateSubfolder 20160226 released
Project template & examples
Two new repositories related to distortos were recently created – project template and examples. These should make it easier to start your own project using distortos, so they are no less important than the main repository with the system. Continue reading Project template & examples
Thread::detach() – new rare feature
Yesterday distortos got another feature which is hardly ever seen in other RTOSes – ability to detach dynamic threads. Two new functions that were added – Thread::detach() and ThisThread::detach() – are direct equivalents of std::thread::detach() from C++11 or pthread_detach() from POSIX.
Continue reading Thread::detach() – new rare feature
Support for all STM32F4 chips
Complete support for all 115 chips from the STM32F4 family was added to the Kconfig configuration system and to the source code of distortos.
Continue reading Support for all STM32F4 chips
Doxygen documentation
Project’s source code documentation generated with doxygen was added to the website. Documentation’s HTML pages are built for the most recent revision of the source code and will be updated whenever new commits are pushed to the repository.
Official project’s website created!
Today official website for distortos project was created. Soon it will host project downloads, documentation, articles, tutorials and more. Stay tuned for further updates!